With this year drawing to a close, we’d like to thank our devoted community of enterprising criminals, creators, and competitors in Grand Theft Auto Online, and provide some details on what is still to come.

It’s been incredible to see everyone share Snapmatics of UFOs above the Los Santos Skyline in our biggest Halloween event ever, rep their favorite soda in the battle between Sprunk and eCola, enjoy featured races and modes from talented creators around the world via the Community Series, and most recently score an incredible GTA$4 TRILLION collectively in The Heists Challenge.

As a result of that absolutely staggering take in The Heists Challenge, a new vehicle in the upcoming GTA Online update — the retro-styled Declasse Tahoma Coupe — will be made available to all GTA Online players for a limited period later this month.

Building off a suite of adjustments made earlier this year — and as part of our continued commitment to make improvements based largely on player feedback, this December’s GTA Online update will add a wide range of new improvements to Freemode and beyond, many of which were submitted directly by players via the GTA Online feedback website.

[Read more](https://www.rockstargames.com/newswire/article/o373oko9477732/)

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